1 Chronicles

Chapter 9

1 SO all Israel and Judah were considered wicked, for they were carried captive to Babylon because of their wickedness.

2 Now the first inhabitants who dwelt in their possessions in their cities were the Israelites, the priests, the Levites, and the proselytes.

3 And in Jerusalem dwelt some of the children of Judah and of the children of Benjamin and of the children of Ephraim and of Manasseh:

4 Zori the son of Ammihud, the son of Omri, the son of Imri, the son of Benjamin, of the descendants of Pharez the son of Judah.

5 And of the land of the Shilonites: Asaiah the first-born, and Bezaiah his brother.

6 And of the descendants of Zerah: Jeuel, and their brethren, six hundred and ninety.

7 And of the descendants of Benjamin: Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Hodiah, the son of Jahbanah,

8 And Jocaniah the son of Jeroham. These were the descendants of Uzzi the son of Machir and Meshullam the son of Reuel, the son of Jocaniah;

9 And their brethren, according to their generations, nine hundred and ninety-nine. All these were valiant men, captains over hundreds according to their fathers' houses.

10 And of the priests: Jonadab, Jodaiah, and Zachim,

11 And Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Maro, the son of Ahitub, whose house was situated opposite the house of the LORD.

12 And Azariah the son of Jeroham, the son of Pashur, the son of Malchijah, and Mansai the son of Adiel, the son of Johanan, the son of Meshullam, the son of Meshraoth, the son of Immer;

13 And their brethren, heads of the house of their fathers, one thousand seven hundred and sixty; very able men for the work of the service of the house of the LORD.

14 And of the Levites: Shemaiah the son of Hashum, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah,

15 Of the descendants of Merari: Jarhum the son of Hadush, the son of Alal, and Mattaniah the son of Micah, the son of Zabdai, the son of Asaph;

16 And Obadiah the son of Shemaiah, the son of Cala, the son of Jerithun; and Berechiah the son of Asaph, the son of Hilkanah, who dwelt in Ramtha.

17 And the porters were Shallum, Jacob, Talan, Hamnon, Ahihom, and Shallum,

18 Who hitherto waited in the king's gate eastward; they were the porters in the companies of the descendants of Levi.

19 And Shallum the son of Kora, the son of Akhsiph, the son of Korah, and his brethren and the members of his father's house were over the work and over the keepers of the gates of the tabernacle; and their fathers, who were over the host, were the keepers of the exit and of the entrance.

20 And Phinehas the son of Eleazar was ruler over them in time past, and the LORD was with him.

21 And Zechariah the son of Meshallum was porter of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

22 All those who were chosen to be porters in the gates were two hundred and twelve. These were reckoned by their genealogy, whom David and Samuel the prophet appointed to their set office.

23 For they appointed them and their sons to keep the gates of the house of the LORD and the house of the tabernacle of the congregation, as guards.

24 The gates were open toward the four directions, toward the east, west, north, and south.

25 And their brethren who kept the watch in their generation did not enter into the temple except once every seven days from time to time,

26 For these Levites were in their set office, and were in charge of the four gates in the four directions; and stood on guard, and were over the work and over the treasuries of the house of the LORD.

27 And they lodged round about the house of the LORD, because upon them was the duty of guarding the gates.

28 And certain of them had charge of inspecting all the vessels of service, which were counted every morning when they were brought in and when they were taken out.

29 And some of the Levites were appointed over the vessels and over all the instruments of the sanctuary, over the altar and the vessels, the wine, the oil, the frankincense, and the pure spices.

30 And some of the sons of the priests prepared the incense for the censers, and the gifts were given by the Levites.

31 And Mattithiah, one of the Levites, who was the first-born of Shallum, was intrusted with the office of the mysterious rites.

32 And also some of the descendants of Kohath were over their brethren and over the shewbread, to prepare the meal every sabbath.

33 And these are the ministers, chiefs of the fathers of the Levites, who kept the watch in the chambers round about the temple, because they were over the work day and night.

34 These were chiefs of the fathers of the Levites, according to their generations; and these dwelt in Jerusalem.

35 And in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, and the name of his first-born son was Joel, and the name of his wife was Maachah;

36 And his second son was Abron; then Zur, Kishon, Baal, Ner, and Nadab,

37 And Gedor, Ahiah, Zechariah, and Mikloth.

38 And Mikloth begat Shimaez. And they also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, opposite their brethren.

39 And Ner begat Kish; and Kish begat Saul; and Saul begat Jonathan and Malchishua and Jeshui and Ashbashul.

40 And Jeshui had a son, whose name was Merib-baal: and Merib-baal begat Micah.

41 And the sons of Micah were Pithon, Melech, and Ahaz.

42 And Ahaz begat Jezaniah; and Jezaniah begat Alemoth; and Alemoth begat Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza;

43 And Moza begat Canaaniah; and Rephaiah his son, Azel his son, and Eleasah his son.

44 And Azel had six sons, whose names are these: Uzzi his first-born, Kim his second, Ashmah, Shadiah, Obadiah, and Hanan. These were the sons of Azel.

Das erste Buch der Chronik

Kapitel 9

1 Und das ganze Israel3478 ward3187 gerechnet, und siehe, sie sind angeschrieben3789 im Buch5612 der Könige4428 Israels3478 und Judas, und nun weggeführet gen Babel894 um ihrer Missetat4604 willen,

2 die3427 zuvor7223 wohneten auf ihren Gütern272 und3548 Städten5892, nämlich Israel3478, Priester, Leviten3881 und Nethinim.

3 Aber zu Jerusalem3389 wohneten etliche der Kinder1121 Juda3063, etliche der Kinder1121 Benjamin1144, etliche der Kinder1121 Ephraim669 und Manasse4519.

4 Nämlich aus den Kindern1121 Perez6557, des Sohns Judas, war1121 Uthai5793, der Sohn1121 Ammihuds5989, des Sohns Amris, des Sohns Imris566, des, Sohns Banis1137.

5 Von Siloni aber Asaja6222, der erste Sohn1060, und seine andern Söhne1121.

6 Von den Kindern1121 Serahs2226: Jeguel3262 und3967 seine Brüder251, sechshundertundneunzig8337.

7 Von den Kindern1121 Benjamin1144: Sallu5543, der Sohn1121 Mesullams4918, des Sohns Hodawjas, des Sohns Hasnuas5574;

8 und Jebneja, der Sohn1121 Jerohams3395; und Ela425, der Sohn1121 Usis5813, des Sohns Michris4381; und Mesullam4918, der Sohn Sephatjas8203, des Sohns Reguels7467, des Sohns Jebnejas.

9 Dazu ihre Brüder251 in ihren Geschlechtern8435, neunhundertundsechsundfünfzig. Alle diese Männer582 waren Häupter7218 der Väter1 im Hause1004 ihrer8337 Väter1.

10 Von den Priestern3548 aber: Jedaja3048, Jojarib3080, Jachin3199;

11 und1121 Asaria, der Sohn1121 Hilkias2518, des Sohns Mesullams4918, des Sohns Zadoks6659, des Sohns Merajoths4812, des Sohns Ahitobs285, ein Fürst5057 im Hause1121 Gottes430;

12 und Adaja5718, der Sohn1121 Jerohams3395, des Sohns Pashurs6583, des Sohns Malchias4441; und Maesai4640, der Sohn Adiels, des Sohns Jachseras, des Sohns Mesullams4918, des Sohns Mesillemiths4921, des Sohns Immers564.

13 Dazu ihre Brüder251, Häupter7218 im Hause1004 ihrer Väter1, tausend505 siebenhundertundsechzig fleißige Leute1368 am Geschäfte4399 des Amts5656 im Hause1004 Gottes430.

14 Von den Leviten3881 aber1121 aus den Kindern1121 Meraris4847: Semaja8098, der Sohn1121 Hasubs, des Sohns Asrikams5840, des Sohns Hasabjas2811.

15 Und1121 Bakbakar, der Zimmermann, und1121 Galal1559 und Mathanja, der Sohn1121 Michas4316, des Sohns Sichris2147, des Sohns Assaphs.

16 Und Obadja5662, der Sohn1121 Semajas8098, des Sohns Galals1559, des Sohns Jeduthuns3038; und Berechja1296, der Sohn Assas, des Sohns Elkanas511, der in den Dörfern2691 wohnete der Netophathiter5200.

17 Die Pförtner7778 aber waren: Sallum7967, Akub, Talmon2929, Ahiman289 mit ihren Brüdern251 und Sallum7967, der Oberste7218.

18 Denn bisher hatten am Tor8179 des Königs4428 gegen4217 dem Aufgang gewartet die Kinder1121 Levi3878 mit Lagern4264.

19 Und1121 Sallum7967, der Sohn1121 Kores6981, des Sohns Abiassaphs, des Sohns Korahs7141, und1121 seine Brüder251 aus dem Hause1004 seines Vaters1, die Korhiter am Geschäfte4399 des Amts5656, daß sie warteten8104 an der Schwelle5592 der Hütte168; und ihre Väter1 im Lager4264 des HErrn3068, daß sie warteten8104 des Eingangs3996.

20 Pinehas6372 aber, der Sohn1121 Eleasars499, war Fürst5057 über sie6440, darum daß der HErr3068 zuvor mit ihm gewesen war.

21 Sacharja2148 aber, der Sohn1121 Meselemjas4920, war Hüter am Tor7778 der Hütte168 des Stifts4150.

22 Alle diese waren auserlesen1305 zu Hütern7778 an7200 der Schwelle5592, zweihundertundzwölf3967, die waren gerechnet in ihren Dörfern2691. Und David1732 und Samuel8050, der Seher, stifteten sie1992 durch ihren Glauben530,

23 daß sie und ihre Kinder1121 hüten sollten am Hause1004 des HErrn3068, nämlich an dem Hause1004 der Hütte168, daß sie sein warteten4931.

24 Es waren aber solche Torwärter gegen4217 die vier702 Winde7307 gestellet: gegen Morgen, gegen Abend3220, gegen Mitternacht6828, gegen Mittag5045.

25 Ihre Brüder251 aber waren935 auf ihren Dörfern2691, daß sie hereinkämen, je des siebenten7651 Tages3117, allezeit bei ihnen zu sein.

26 Denn die Leviten3881 waren diesen viererlei obersten1368 Torhütern7778 vertrauet, und sie waren über die Kasten und Schätze214 im Hause1004 Gottes430.

27 Auch blieben sie über Nacht3885 um5439 das Haus1004 Gottes430; denn es gebührete ihnen die Hut4931, daß sie alle Morgen1242 auftäten.

28 Und etliche aus3318 ihnen waren935 über5921 das Geräte3627 des Amts5656; denn sie trugen es gezählet aus und ein.

29 Und ihrer etliche waren bestellet über die Gefäße3627 und über alles heilige6944 Geräte3627, über Semmelmehl5560, über Wein3196, über Öl8081, über Weihrauch3828 über Räuchwerk.

30 Aber der Priester3548 Kinder1121 machten etliche7543 das Räuchwerk.

31 Mathithja aus den Leviten3881, dem ersten Sohn1060 Sallums7967, des Korhiters, waren vertrauet die Pfannen2281.

32 Aus den Kahathitern aber, ihren Brüdern251, waren über die Schaubrote zuzurichten4635, daß sie1121 sie alle Sabbat7676 bereiteten3559.

33 Das sind die Sänger7891, die Häupter7218 unter den Vätern1 der Leviten3881, über die Kasten ausgesondert; denn Tag3119 und Nacht3915 waren sie drob im Geschäfte4399.

34 Das sind die3427 Häupter7218 der Väter1 unter den7218 Leviten3881 in ihren Geschlechtern8435. Diese wohneten zu Jerusalem3389.

35 Zu Gibeon1391 wohneten Jeiel3273, der Vater1 Gibeons, sein Weib802 hieß8034 Maecha,

36 und1121 sein erster Sohn1060 Abdon5658, Zur6698, Kis7027, Baal1168, Ner5369, Nadab5070,

37 Gedor1446, Ahjo283, Sacharja2148, Mikloth4732.

38 Mikloth4732 aber zeugete Simeam8043; und sie3427 wohneten auch um ihre Brüder251 zu Jerusalem3389 unter den Ihren.

39 Ner aber5369 zeugete Kis7027. Kis7027 zeugete Saul7586. Saul7586 zeugete Jonathan3083, Malchisua4444, Abinadab41, Esbaal792.

40 Der Sohn1121 aber Jonathans3083 war3205 Meribaal. Meribaal aber zeugete Micha4318.

41 Die Kinder1121 Michas4318 waren: Pithon6377, Melech4429 und Thaherea.

42 Ahas271 zeugete Jaera3294. Jaera3294 zeugete Alemeth5964, Asmaveth5820 und Simri2174. Simri2174 zeugete Moza4162.

43 Moza4162 zeugete Binea1150; des Sohn1121 war3205 Raphaja7509; des Sohn1121 war Eleasa501; des Sohn1121 war Azel682.

44 Azel682 aber hatte sechs8337 Söhne1121, die8034 hießen: Asrikam5840, Bochru1074, Jismael, Searja8187, Obadja5662, Hanan2605; das sind die Kinder1121 Azels.

1 Chronicles

Chapter 9

Das erste Buch der Chronik

Kapitel 9

1 SO all Israel and Judah were considered wicked, for they were carried captive to Babylon because of their wickedness.

1 Und das ganze Israel3478 ward3187 gerechnet, und siehe, sie sind angeschrieben3789 im Buch5612 der Könige4428 Israels3478 und Judas, und nun weggeführet gen Babel894 um ihrer Missetat4604 willen,

2 Now the first inhabitants who dwelt in their possessions in their cities were the Israelites, the priests, the Levites, and the proselytes.

2 die3427 zuvor7223 wohneten auf ihren Gütern272 und3548 Städten5892, nämlich Israel3478, Priester, Leviten3881 und Nethinim.

3 And in Jerusalem dwelt some of the children of Judah and of the children of Benjamin and of the children of Ephraim and of Manasseh:

3 Aber zu Jerusalem3389 wohneten etliche der Kinder1121 Juda3063, etliche der Kinder1121 Benjamin1144, etliche der Kinder1121 Ephraim669 und Manasse4519.

4 Zori the son of Ammihud, the son of Omri, the son of Imri, the son of Benjamin, of the descendants of Pharez the son of Judah.

4 Nämlich aus den Kindern1121 Perez6557, des Sohns Judas, war1121 Uthai5793, der Sohn1121 Ammihuds5989, des Sohns Amris, des Sohns Imris566, des, Sohns Banis1137.

5 And of the land of the Shilonites: Asaiah the first-born, and Bezaiah his brother.

5 Von Siloni aber Asaja6222, der erste Sohn1060, und seine andern Söhne1121.

6 And of the descendants of Zerah: Jeuel, and their brethren, six hundred and ninety.

6 Von den Kindern1121 Serahs2226: Jeguel3262 und3967 seine Brüder251, sechshundertundneunzig8337.

7 And of the descendants of Benjamin: Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Hodiah, the son of Jahbanah,

7 Von den Kindern1121 Benjamin1144: Sallu5543, der Sohn1121 Mesullams4918, des Sohns Hodawjas, des Sohns Hasnuas5574;

8 And Jocaniah the son of Jeroham. These were the descendants of Uzzi the son of Machir and Meshullam the son of Reuel, the son of Jocaniah;

8 und Jebneja, der Sohn1121 Jerohams3395; und Ela425, der Sohn1121 Usis5813, des Sohns Michris4381; und Mesullam4918, der Sohn Sephatjas8203, des Sohns Reguels7467, des Sohns Jebnejas.

9 And their brethren, according to their generations, nine hundred and ninety-nine. All these were valiant men, captains over hundreds according to their fathers' houses.

9 Dazu ihre Brüder251 in ihren Geschlechtern8435, neunhundertundsechsundfünfzig. Alle diese Männer582 waren Häupter7218 der Väter1 im Hause1004 ihrer8337 Väter1.

10 And of the priests: Jonadab, Jodaiah, and Zachim,

10 Von den Priestern3548 aber: Jedaja3048, Jojarib3080, Jachin3199;

11 And Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Maro, the son of Ahitub, whose house was situated opposite the house of the LORD.

11 und1121 Asaria, der Sohn1121 Hilkias2518, des Sohns Mesullams4918, des Sohns Zadoks6659, des Sohns Merajoths4812, des Sohns Ahitobs285, ein Fürst5057 im Hause1121 Gottes430;

12 And Azariah the son of Jeroham, the son of Pashur, the son of Malchijah, and Mansai the son of Adiel, the son of Johanan, the son of Meshullam, the son of Meshraoth, the son of Immer;

12 und Adaja5718, der Sohn1121 Jerohams3395, des Sohns Pashurs6583, des Sohns Malchias4441; und Maesai4640, der Sohn Adiels, des Sohns Jachseras, des Sohns Mesullams4918, des Sohns Mesillemiths4921, des Sohns Immers564.

13 And their brethren, heads of the house of their fathers, one thousand seven hundred and sixty; very able men for the work of the service of the house of the LORD.

13 Dazu ihre Brüder251, Häupter7218 im Hause1004 ihrer Väter1, tausend505 siebenhundertundsechzig fleißige Leute1368 am Geschäfte4399 des Amts5656 im Hause1004 Gottes430.

14 And of the Levites: Shemaiah the son of Hashum, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah,

14 Von den Leviten3881 aber1121 aus den Kindern1121 Meraris4847: Semaja8098, der Sohn1121 Hasubs, des Sohns Asrikams5840, des Sohns Hasabjas2811.

15 Of the descendants of Merari: Jarhum the son of Hadush, the son of Alal, and Mattaniah the son of Micah, the son of Zabdai, the son of Asaph;

15 Und1121 Bakbakar, der Zimmermann, und1121 Galal1559 und Mathanja, der Sohn1121 Michas4316, des Sohns Sichris2147, des Sohns Assaphs.

16 And Obadiah the son of Shemaiah, the son of Cala, the son of Jerithun; and Berechiah the son of Asaph, the son of Hilkanah, who dwelt in Ramtha.

16 Und Obadja5662, der Sohn1121 Semajas8098, des Sohns Galals1559, des Sohns Jeduthuns3038; und Berechja1296, der Sohn Assas, des Sohns Elkanas511, der in den Dörfern2691 wohnete der Netophathiter5200.

17 And the porters were Shallum, Jacob, Talan, Hamnon, Ahihom, and Shallum,

17 Die Pförtner7778 aber waren: Sallum7967, Akub, Talmon2929, Ahiman289 mit ihren Brüdern251 und Sallum7967, der Oberste7218.

18 Who hitherto waited in the king's gate eastward; they were the porters in the companies of the descendants of Levi.

18 Denn bisher hatten am Tor8179 des Königs4428 gegen4217 dem Aufgang gewartet die Kinder1121 Levi3878 mit Lagern4264.

19 And Shallum the son of Kora, the son of Akhsiph, the son of Korah, and his brethren and the members of his father's house were over the work and over the keepers of the gates of the tabernacle; and their fathers, who were over the host, were the keepers of the exit and of the entrance.

19 Und1121 Sallum7967, der Sohn1121 Kores6981, des Sohns Abiassaphs, des Sohns Korahs7141, und1121 seine Brüder251 aus dem Hause1004 seines Vaters1, die Korhiter am Geschäfte4399 des Amts5656, daß sie warteten8104 an der Schwelle5592 der Hütte168; und ihre Väter1 im Lager4264 des HErrn3068, daß sie warteten8104 des Eingangs3996.

20 And Phinehas the son of Eleazar was ruler over them in time past, and the LORD was with him.

20 Pinehas6372 aber, der Sohn1121 Eleasars499, war Fürst5057 über sie6440, darum daß der HErr3068 zuvor mit ihm gewesen war.

21 And Zechariah the son of Meshallum was porter of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

21 Sacharja2148 aber, der Sohn1121 Meselemjas4920, war Hüter am Tor7778 der Hütte168 des Stifts4150.

22 All those who were chosen to be porters in the gates were two hundred and twelve. These were reckoned by their genealogy, whom David and Samuel the prophet appointed to their set office.

22 Alle diese waren auserlesen1305 zu Hütern7778 an7200 der Schwelle5592, zweihundertundzwölf3967, die waren gerechnet in ihren Dörfern2691. Und David1732 und Samuel8050, der Seher, stifteten sie1992 durch ihren Glauben530,

23 For they appointed them and their sons to keep the gates of the house of the LORD and the house of the tabernacle of the congregation, as guards.

23 daß sie und ihre Kinder1121 hüten sollten am Hause1004 des HErrn3068, nämlich an dem Hause1004 der Hütte168, daß sie sein warteten4931.

24 The gates were open toward the four directions, toward the east, west, north, and south.

24 Es waren aber solche Torwärter gegen4217 die vier702 Winde7307 gestellet: gegen Morgen, gegen Abend3220, gegen Mitternacht6828, gegen Mittag5045.

25 And their brethren who kept the watch in their generation did not enter into the temple except once every seven days from time to time,

25 Ihre Brüder251 aber waren935 auf ihren Dörfern2691, daß sie hereinkämen, je des siebenten7651 Tages3117, allezeit bei ihnen zu sein.

26 For these Levites were in their set office, and were in charge of the four gates in the four directions; and stood on guard, and were over the work and over the treasuries of the house of the LORD.

26 Denn die Leviten3881 waren diesen viererlei obersten1368 Torhütern7778 vertrauet, und sie waren über die Kasten und Schätze214 im Hause1004 Gottes430.

27 And they lodged round about the house of the LORD, because upon them was the duty of guarding the gates.

27 Auch blieben sie über Nacht3885 um5439 das Haus1004 Gottes430; denn es gebührete ihnen die Hut4931, daß sie alle Morgen1242 auftäten.

28 And certain of them had charge of inspecting all the vessels of service, which were counted every morning when they were brought in and when they were taken out.

28 Und etliche aus3318 ihnen waren935 über5921 das Geräte3627 des Amts5656; denn sie trugen es gezählet aus und ein.

29 And some of the Levites were appointed over the vessels and over all the instruments of the sanctuary, over the altar and the vessels, the wine, the oil, the frankincense, and the pure spices.

29 Und ihrer etliche waren bestellet über die Gefäße3627 und über alles heilige6944 Geräte3627, über Semmelmehl5560, über Wein3196, über Öl8081, über Weihrauch3828 über Räuchwerk.

30 And some of the sons of the priests prepared the incense for the censers, and the gifts were given by the Levites.

30 Aber der Priester3548 Kinder1121 machten etliche7543 das Räuchwerk.

31 And Mattithiah, one of the Levites, who was the first-born of Shallum, was intrusted with the office of the mysterious rites.

31 Mathithja aus den Leviten3881, dem ersten Sohn1060 Sallums7967, des Korhiters, waren vertrauet die Pfannen2281.

32 And also some of the descendants of Kohath were over their brethren and over the shewbread, to prepare the meal every sabbath.

32 Aus den Kahathitern aber, ihren Brüdern251, waren über die Schaubrote zuzurichten4635, daß sie1121 sie alle Sabbat7676 bereiteten3559.

33 And these are the ministers, chiefs of the fathers of the Levites, who kept the watch in the chambers round about the temple, because they were over the work day and night.

33 Das sind die Sänger7891, die Häupter7218 unter den Vätern1 der Leviten3881, über die Kasten ausgesondert; denn Tag3119 und Nacht3915 waren sie drob im Geschäfte4399.

34 These were chiefs of the fathers of the Levites, according to their generations; and these dwelt in Jerusalem.

34 Das sind die3427 Häupter7218 der Väter1 unter den7218 Leviten3881 in ihren Geschlechtern8435. Diese wohneten zu Jerusalem3389.

35 And in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, and the name of his first-born son was Joel, and the name of his wife was Maachah;

35 Zu Gibeon1391 wohneten Jeiel3273, der Vater1 Gibeons, sein Weib802 hieß8034 Maecha,

36 And his second son was Abron; then Zur, Kishon, Baal, Ner, and Nadab,

36 und1121 sein erster Sohn1060 Abdon5658, Zur6698, Kis7027, Baal1168, Ner5369, Nadab5070,

37 And Gedor, Ahiah, Zechariah, and Mikloth.

37 Gedor1446, Ahjo283, Sacharja2148, Mikloth4732.

38 And Mikloth begat Shimaez. And they also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, opposite their brethren.

38 Mikloth4732 aber zeugete Simeam8043; und sie3427 wohneten auch um ihre Brüder251 zu Jerusalem3389 unter den Ihren.

39 And Ner begat Kish; and Kish begat Saul; and Saul begat Jonathan and Malchishua and Jeshui and Ashbashul.

39 Ner aber5369 zeugete Kis7027. Kis7027 zeugete Saul7586. Saul7586 zeugete Jonathan3083, Malchisua4444, Abinadab41, Esbaal792.

40 And Jeshui had a son, whose name was Merib-baal: and Merib-baal begat Micah.

40 Der Sohn1121 aber Jonathans3083 war3205 Meribaal. Meribaal aber zeugete Micha4318.

41 And the sons of Micah were Pithon, Melech, and Ahaz.

41 Die Kinder1121 Michas4318 waren: Pithon6377, Melech4429 und Thaherea.

42 And Ahaz begat Jezaniah; and Jezaniah begat Alemoth; and Alemoth begat Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza;

42 Ahas271 zeugete Jaera3294. Jaera3294 zeugete Alemeth5964, Asmaveth5820 und Simri2174. Simri2174 zeugete Moza4162.

43 And Moza begat Canaaniah; and Rephaiah his son, Azel his son, and Eleasah his son.

43 Moza4162 zeugete Binea1150; des Sohn1121 war3205 Raphaja7509; des Sohn1121 war Eleasa501; des Sohn1121 war Azel682.

44 And Azel had six sons, whose names are these: Uzzi his first-born, Kim his second, Ashmah, Shadiah, Obadiah, and Hanan. These were the sons of Azel.

44 Azel682 aber hatte sechs8337 Söhne1121, die8034 hießen: Asrikam5840, Bochru1074, Jismael, Searja8187, Obadja5662, Hanan2605; das sind die Kinder1121 Azels.